It’s true that for men the chest muscles are the most wanted and common muscles in their training, not only because they can increase the volume of this area, but also for aesthetic reasons.
And in the case of women, should they train their chest?
And at the level of posture, does chest training influence our daily lives?
In this article I will reveal some secrets and the 5 best exercises for the chest.
Chest training: what does it consist of?
Chest training may consist of movements involving flexing/extending of the shoulders and rotating movements.
The main muscles worked are:
- The pectoralis major: considered as one of the great muscle groups of our body.
- Pectoralis minor.
- Usually when we work the chest, the deltoids and the triceps are worked as an extra (although it doesn’t always have to be that way).
When training the chest, we don’t only train the muscles themselves but we’ll also improve our posture.
It allows us to enlarge the rib cage, it will help us to ensure greater flexibility and strength in the chest muscles, and thus we’ll avoid walking very bent forward with the shoulders inwards. Instead, we’ll walk straight with our head up.
It will help to withstand some daily activities, because these muscles support the arms and the shoulders in some functional movements, helping to adapt a more correct posture.
Remember that it’s better to have a symmetrical body at a muscular level than to have, for example, your chest very developed but not the legs. It will be better, not only at an aesthetic level, but also for your posture and for performing daily activities.
Does chest training for women also exist?
Several questions arise regarding chest training for women. Well, the myth will now be unveiled.
According to my experience, women can train the chest, but in moderation.
This training is important, not only to support the breasts, but also to help to perform functional movements, to develop other muscles and to improve the posture (as you could see above).
The 5 best exercises for the chest
In addition to presenting and explaining the exercises, I will present some data from the electromyographic study (measurement of electrical activity of muscles) by Tudor Boompa, Mauro Pasquale and Lorenzo Cornacchia from the book “Serious Strength Training”.
This study helps to evaluate the level of tension that each exercise exerts on the muscles, presenting the percentage of muscle fibers stimulated.
Inclined Dumbbell Flyes
According to Tudor Boompa in the above mentioned book, the percentage of muscle fibers stimulated in this exercise is 83% – with emphasis on the pectoralis minor.
The anterior deltoid is also worked.
How to perform:
- With the bench inclined (15 or 30°), lie belly up and hold the dumbbells (with the weight you think is suitable for your type of training). Place your arms above you, let the dumbbells (almost) touch each other, with your elbows slightly bent and the palms of your hands to the inside.
- Inhale and lower your arms until you feel the chest stretching (with the elbows always with the same level of bending).
- Raise the dumbbells to the initial position, exhaling gently.
Remember! Back straight, and if you don’t have a mirror to confirm your posture, ask the instructor to help to evaluate you.
Bench Chest Press
A classic exercise that’s well known by everyone!
According to the same author, it stimulates 85% of muscle fibers with an emphasis on the pectoralis major.
In addition to the anterior deltoid, the triceps and pectoralis minor are also worked.
How to perform:
- Lie belly up on the olympic weight bench and try to center the bar at chest level. Make sure the bar is secure and well positioned.
- After holding the bar with a medium arm width (and with the elbows positioned below the hands), remove the bar from the support.
- Inhale and begin to lower the bar until it reaches the chest area (without touching).
- Push the bar up, exhaling at the same time (keep the elbows almost stretched).
You can perform the desired number of series and repetitions. Remember that this exercise is one that can cause accidents, so always have someone available to help you.
Push-ups between benches
It may seem incredible, but one of the best exercises for the chest is push-ups.
It’s considered by many as one of the best body weight exercises and according to the Boompa analysis, it stimulates 88% of muscle fibers with an emphasis on the pectoralis major.
In addition to working the chest, it has an incredible intensity in the arms. It works the triceps and the anterior deltoid.
How to perform:
- On two separate benches, one next to the other, place one hand on each and stretch your arms. Stretch the legs and place your feet on the benches (or other type of support), preferably at the same level.
- Inhale, lower and bend the arms (90 ° angle), keeping the elbows out and the abdomen contracted.
- Exhale and rise to the initial position: stretch your arms and raise your torso upwards.
One of the best calisthenics (body weight) exercises with an advanced level. Don’t do it alone at home and always do it safely and with help!
Dumbbell Inclined Press
The percentage of activated muscle fibers is 91% (according to the mentioned book) with an emphasis on the pectoralis minor.
The anterior deltoid and the triceps are also worked.
In this exercise you’re individually controlling the dumbbells without the stabilization that the bar provides (see: Bench Chest Press), which makes it more effective and more difficult from a technical point of view.
How to perform:
- Lie belly up with the bench at an 45 ° angle, raise the dumbbells with the palms of your hands downwards and position the dumbbells (keep them together) with your arms stretched up.
- Inhale and lower the dumbbells (move them apart) keeping your forearms perpendicular to the floor until you feel your chest stretching.
- Raise the dumbbells to the initial position, exhaling while you move.
Don’t forget to keep your back always supported on the bench!
Dumbbell Declined Press
According to the same author, the bench press is considered the best exercise for the chest, with almost full marks (93%), especially for the pectoralis major, not only because of its intensity, but also because of the angle and amplitude.
How to perform:
- Lie belly up with the bench declined, put your feet on the bench and position your torso on the bench, keep your arms stretched towards the ceiling, with the palms of your hands forwards.
- Inhale, keep your abdomen contracted and lower the dumbbells until your elbows are at 90º and you feel your chest stretching.
- Raise the dumbbells (until they touch each other) to the initial position and exhale.
When training the chest with intensity, you should always rest, so you don’t get overtrained or muscle atrophy. Remember! Rest is fundamental!
With help of well structured and delineated trainings we don’t only develop the desired volume and definition of the chest, we’ll also get a better posture. And when you train your chest, you’re always giving secondary help to other parts of the body.
Don’t forget! Always be safe, work until muscle failure (when it’s possible) and ask for help!
To complement your training, you can always check out the supplements available at Zumub!
Good training ?