The best supplements to boost your general health

Supplements for General Health

The consumption of dietary supplements is more and more common and the trend is likely to continue spreading. In the United States alone, more than 68% of adults take some kind of supplement.

Dietary supplements are becoming more popular because they’re very versatile and useful.

They’re important for:

  • Fighting dietary deficiencies
  • Optimizing physical and mental performance
  • Improving general health
  • Boosting well-being

If you’re interested in improving your general well-being and your health, this is where you’ll be able to find out why supplements can help and which are the most popular supplements.

Dietary supplements: what are they?

“Dietary supplements are concentrated nutrients or other nutritional or physiological substances whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet.” (European Food Safety Authority)

In addition, supplements offer nutrients in a concentrated and pure form, making them more effective.

Can supplements replace meals?

supplements complement nutrition

Supplements don’t replace meals.

Supplements complement nutrition and can be very important to help guarantee a healthy body and mind, helping to replenish nutrients that guarantee the body’s proper functioning.

They can help improve our diet since it has become less healthy because of:

  • Lack of time to prepare healthy meals
  • Industrialization of food production

The advantage of supplements:

  • Supply the needs of those who lack a nutrient or whose meals are nutrient-deficient
  • Complement nutrition and optimize well-being, health and physical and mental performance
  • Help combat some specific conditions such as: stress, kidney problems, difficulty in gaining or losing weight, among others

Find out more about this in the article “Are dietary supplements for everyone? Should I take supplements?”

Since everyone has different health needs, it may be difficult to choose a dietary supplement. There’s so much variety that’s it normal for you to have doubts. We’re always available to help- contact us.

supplements variety

Tips for choosing supplements:

  • Get informed. Read the information available on the product page, the category or the ingredient. Read tutorials such as this one, that explain how to reach a specific goal
  • Consult a doctor or nutritionist to know if you’re lacking a specific nutrient
  • If you’re lacking a nutrient, the next step is to choose the best supplement to supply this lack

Here you can see some of the main examples of supplements that are generally recommended for anyone who’s concerned about their health and well-being.

Dietary supplements for everyone: the most common ones

There are some supplements that are recommended for the majority of people such as multivitamins, omega 3 or probiotics.


There are various factors that can affect the choice of a multi-vitamin. But, in general, it’s simple. A multi-vitamin:

  • Helps promote the proper functioning of the body in general
  • Helps balance the immune, nervous and endocrine system
  • Contains minerals that contribute to the proper functioning of muscles, bones and hundreds of body processes
  • Is a good option because it contains different vitamins and minerals, however, you can also acquire them individually through individual vitamins and supplements
Check out the main benefits of this supplement on our blog.

Vitamin D

Studies reveal that a large percentage of the European population are vitamin D deficient.

  • This vitamin is produced when our body is exposed to the sun and can also be found in some foods
  • Promotes oral and bone health
  • Strengthens and regulates the hormonal immune system
  • Helps guarantee proper blood cholesterol levels
Insufficient production and low consumption of vitamin D-rich foods can be compensated for with a vitamin D supplement.


Just like vitamins, minerals can also be consumed individually. Some minerals are calcium, potassium and magnesium.

It’s common for people to lack magnesium. If that’s your case, don’t hesitate to take a magnesium supplement.

It’s important for:

  • Muscle relaxation
  • Blood coagulation
  • Production of ATP (the molecule responsible for providing explosive energy to the muscles)

Omega 3

Although it’s a fat, don’t be afraid to consume it.

Healthy fats, such as this one, are essential for our bodies:

  • Improve the immune system
  • Promote heart health
  • Improve brain function
  • Improve joint mobility


  • Responsible for improving intestinal function, one of the most important organs in our bodies because they guarantee the proper functioning of the immune system
  • They improve the intestinal absorption capacity and digestion of nutrients
With so many brands and products, it’s normal to have doubts. If that’s your case, we’re always available to help.


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