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If you practice a sport, you like to see fast results. But did you know that during physical exercise our bodies go through many changes?
If you exercise and wish to obtain better results from your workouts, you should adopt some habits in your post-workout routine to help you have energy for the next day’s workout.
Your post-workout goals should be:
What you can do to speed up recovery:
Since replenishing liquids and energy is vital, proper hydration and a balanced diet will allow you to meet this goal.
To replenish liquids and minerals that were lost principally through sweat, you should drink:
In the article "Muscle Recovery: reduce muscle soreness and repair muscles effectively" you can read some examples of post-workout meals.
Hard workouts have more disadvantages than advantages.
The main precautions you should take are:
The NSF (National Sleep Foundation) recommends that adults should get between 7-9 hours a night of sleep. So make sure you get enough rest so that the muscle fibers damaged during the workout have a chance to recover.
If you would like to recover effectively and more quickly, supplements can help.
Just as with food where you need proteins and carbohydrates, recovery supplements can also help you replace these nutrients.
These supplements should be taken according to the manufacturer’s instructions, but they are generally taken post-workout.
For muscle recovery, the best thing is to give the muscles the very thing they’re made of:
To replenish your energy levels fast, carbohydrate supplements are highly recommended:
For better results take protein and carbohydrates together. For example, have a Vitargo shake with added protein. Carbohydrates help the body absorb protein more quickly!
For more details about the recovery process, check out our blog post. You can also find out the difference between cardio recovery and weight lifting recovery.
There’s a category of supplements especially dedicated to post-workout recovery. They’re called “post-workout formulas”.
These formulas generally combine fast-absorbing protein, amino acids, BCAAs and Glutamine with fast-absorbing carbohydrates (such as Vitargo, Maltodextrine or Dextrose). In addition, they may include ingredients that aid recovery such as vitamins, minerals and energizers.
Some of the most popular recovery formulas are:
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