For some it can be just as difficult to put on weight, just as it is for others to lose weight.
This is because it depends on several factors, such as your metabolism, appetite and absorption of nutrients.
In this guide we’ve selected the best exercises and tips for nutrition and supplementation that will help you to achieve this goal faster!
In our blog post about exercices to gain weight we’ve selected the top 7 of the best exercises to gain weight and a video where you can see how to perform them.
After training, your muscle tissue is damaged and the muscles are sore, so you have to rest and recover.
Nutrition is probably the most important thing to gain weight. Without proper nutrition, the results won’t appear.
There are people who say they eat a lot, but still can’t gain weight.
If you identify with any of these reasons, than we have some tips that can help you:
All macronutrients are needed for your body to function normally:
Prepare an oatmeal shake, it's practical and easier to drink (especially if you have a lack of appetite). Add protein and cinnamon to give it flavor. If you want to add extra calories: add peanut butter or banana, or prepare it with whole milk. Vary the fruit or protein flavor so you don’t get bored!
To increase the amount of calories, consume fried or scrambled eggs with mixed cheese.
They are good snacks and are high in calories.
Adding cheese and taking it to the oven to gratin will increase the number of proteins and calories of the meal.
It’s easier to consume more potatoes when they are pureed, especially if you lack appetite.
To ingest a greater number of calories, mix the yogurt with dried fruits and peanut butter.
Supplementation makes everything easier.
Mainly because it gives you the possibility to increase your calorie intake quickly, without leaving you as "overfull" as nutrition would. Combine them with a balanced diet.